Services are on hold at this Detroit mosque during coronavirus crisis, but their soup kitchen still feeds families of all faiths

4 years ago

Though Ramadan traditions have been challenged by stay-at-home precautions, the Muslim Center is making iftar meals to-go -- and serving…

13 ways to keep moving forward, with help from Detroit creators

4 years ago

The "can't stop, won't stop" mentality seems to be driving workers, parents and so many others to continue pushing forward…

A rehab project on Detroit’s Belle Isle last year was supposed to be a win for wildlife and visitors — instead, the park is still flooding

4 years ago

Planners hoped the project could be a win for both park visitors and wildlife. Instead, much of the island has…

Friends of the Rouge ED Marie McCormick on how the nonprofit is coping with the pandemic

4 years ago

Marie McCormick, Friends of the Rouge When the Friends of the Rouge formed back in 1986, the Rouge River was in desperate…

Possible COVID-19 closures only the latest threat to Detroit’s open space access

4 years ago

During the pandemic, Detroiters need parks more than ever. Increasingly, green space is being recognized as a key asset for…

These work-from-home Detroiters are productive — but they still miss office life

4 years ago

"I think there's going to be a lot of anxiety and a slow return," says Amanda Lewan, cofounder of coworking…

While foundations fund the frontlines of coronavirus response, Detroit arts and culture nonprofits are left hanging

4 years ago

"The core and essential activity for us is bringing people together, convening, allowing people to have hands-on experiences, close experiences,…

Dear Detroit small business owners: You’re open. We’re here to help.

4 years ago

Today, we are launching Detour’s Keep Detroit Local program, a member-supported promotion for small businesses impacted by COVID-19.

A food lover’s guide to curbside pickup in the Detroit area

4 years ago

Social distancing doesn't mean you have to miss out on fresh seafood, melt-in-your-mouth cookies, mile-high sandwiches and more.

15 Detroit things to do to keep you feeling positive this week

4 years ago

Make rain water work for you, tap into your creative side, get classy at the virtual symphony and plan a…