
What happens when you give people cash to move to Detroit

Can a neighborhood tackle two of Detroit's biggest problems — shrinking population and chronic disinvestment — by giving people cash…

5 years ago

Detroit Housing Commission opens rent voucher waitlist for the first time in 5 years

The rare waitlist opening underscores the incredible need for affordable housing in the city, which the public housing authority is…

5 years ago

Hear ‘Homewreckers’ Aaron Glantz discuss the kingpins and crooked banks that swindled Detroit

The Center for Investigative Reporting’s Aaron Glantz is headed to Detroit for a discussion about his new book, “HOMEWRECKERS: How…

5 years ago

A program to cut down back taxes for Detroiters may be too little, too late

At first glance, the Pay as You Stay program -- which would dramatically cut down on back taxes for low-income…

5 years ago

Map of Detroit’s Project Green Light locations shows where the city could always be watching

Under Project Green Light, launched in 2016, participating businesses pay for surveillance cameras to be installed and monitored by the…

6 years ago

The devil’s in the details of the Fiat Chrysler deal

When Detroit City Council's development and planning subcommittee met Thursday, they didn’t simply rubber stamp the deal to offer land…

6 years ago

Eric Sabree just exposed the fatal flaw at the heart of the Wayne County foreclosure auction

The system is rife with rule breaking, but has been punishingly harsh for low-income Detroiters

6 years ago

The courtroom battle between protesters and the QLINE that no one’s talking about

Last week, after leaving 36th District Court, the activists were triumphant: real estate magnate Dan Gilbert hadn’t been the one…

6 years ago

Detroit’s infamous foreclosure auction looks different this year

Every year, counties across Michigan auction off foreclosed properties whose owners have been delinquent on property taxes for three years.…

6 years ago

We answer your 5,000 questions about no-fault insurance in Detroit

There’s no question that car insurance is way, way, WAY too high for drivers in Metro Detroit. But there’s plenty…

7 years ago