
The courtroom battle between protesters and the QLINE that no one’s talking about

Last week, after leaving 36th District Court, the activists were triumphant: real estate magnate Dan Gilbert hadn’t been the one…

6 years ago

11 thoughts about that golden ring statue in Sterling Heights

Last month, Sterling Heights erected the “Golden Corridor icon,” a giant circle sculpture on M-59 by Lakeside Mall. With a…

6 years ago

Why isn’t Wayne County doing more to keep speculators from exploiting the tax auction?

Even if a buyer can’t unload the property again or decides paying taxes isn’t worth the trouble, losing the house…

6 years ago

Why the University of Michigan is eyeing a bigger slice of Detroit

In many ways, the school has been able to operate in bucolic Ann Arbor while existing wholly separate from Detroit:…

7 years ago

Detroit testing free Lyfts from bus stops to make late night commutes easier

It turns out, as we were glued to the inter-county drama over funding regional transit that ended in defeat, Detroit…

7 years ago

People are calling this obscure change to Detroit’s water bills the ‘rain tax’

Want to support independent local journalism in Detroit? Become a Detour member for just $30 a year. 20% of our…

7 years ago

OPINION: Detroit isn’t a tale of two cities. There’s something worse going on.

During the hours when people are in line to find secure housing, their means of transportation is silently whisked away.

7 years ago

Detroit’s street grid is a lot stranger than it seems

It's definitely not as simple as counting the mile roads.

7 years ago

Here’s why Detroit needs to get serious about supporting entrepreneurs of color

It's no secret that white, male-owned businesses generally make the most money. But the level of disparity for entrepreneurs in…

7 years ago

What the wildest train station renovations in America could mean for Detroit

Yes, the entire world knows that Ford bought the abandoned Michigan Central Station. But what on earth will they do…

7 years ago