community benefits detroit

The Joe Louis Greenway could transform Detroit. What about the neighborhoods around it?The Joe Louis Greenway could transform Detroit. What about the neighborhoods around it?

The Joe Louis Greenway could transform Detroit. What about the neighborhoods around it?

Midwest Detroit residents hope the Joe Louis Greenway will catalyze positive changes that stretch beyond the path’s boundaries and onto…

3 years ago
Is Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance living up to its promise?Is Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance living up to its promise?

Is Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance living up to its promise?

Critics say the Detroit Community Benefits Ordinance isn't living up to its promise to give residents a voice in neighborhood…

3 years ago
Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance could be strengthened. Do the changes give residents enough power?Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance could be strengthened. Do the changes give residents enough power?

Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance could be strengthened. Do the changes give residents enough power?

The Detroit Community Benefits Ordinance was the first of its kind in the nation -- but critics say it still…

4 years ago
Detroit’s new Obama Building is an experiment in developing for the communityDetroit’s new Obama Building is an experiment in developing for the community

Detroit’s new Obama Building is an experiment in developing for the community

Developers of the Obama Building took a unique approach to ensure it would serve residents, and in the process, baked…

4 years ago