water bills

A guide to understanding your water utility in the climate change eraA guide to understanding your water utility in the climate change era

A guide to understanding your water utility in the climate change era

Get the 411 on Detroit and regional water providers, rates and your water bill in the climate change era.

3 years ago
When you get a $3,700 water bill… for a house with no pipesWhen you get a $3,700 water bill… for a house with no pipes

When you get a $3,700 water bill… for a house with no pipes

Anytime a group of people gathers regularly, little traditions start to form, intended or not. The monthly meetings of the…

6 years ago
People are calling this obscure change to Detroit’s water bills the ‘rain tax’People are calling this obscure change to Detroit’s water bills the ‘rain tax’

People are calling this obscure change to Detroit’s water bills the ‘rain tax’

Want to support independent local journalism in Detroit? Become a Detour member for just $30 a year. 20% of our…

7 years ago