Can a neighborhood tackle two of Detroit's biggest problems — shrinking population and chronic disinvestment — by giving people cash to live there?...
The rare waitlist opening underscores the incredible need for affordable housing in the city, which the public housing authority is not equipped to match....
The Center for Investigative Reporting’s Aaron Glantz is headed to Detroit for a discussion about his new book, “HOMEWRECKERS: How a Gang of Wall Street...
Under Project Green Light, launched in 2016, participating businesses pay for surveillance cameras to be installed and monitored by the Detroit Police Department for use...
When Detroit City Council’s development and planning subcommittee met Thursday, they didn’t simply rubber stamp the deal to offer land to Fiat Chrysler to open...
Last week, after leaving 36th District Court, the activists were triumphant: real estate magnate Dan Gilbert hadn’t been the one on trial, but it still...
Every year, counties across Michigan auction off foreclosed properties whose owners have been delinquent on property taxes for three years. While it’s a state-mandated, quiet...