
Planet Detroit

Planet Detroit helps you get smarter about the environment in Detroit and Michigan. Planet Detroit’s stories and weekly newsletter focus on explanatory, solutions-based and investigative reporting, and a deep commitment to community engagement around local environmental issues. Planet Detroit’s mission is to raise awareness about Metro Detroit’s environmental and public health issues, hold powerful entities accountable and help our audience connect with their local environment and take action to protect the health of their communities.

Mariners Park. Photo by Zaire Talon Daniels Detroiters want safer access to more green spaces, according to a community needs
If you're looking for your next favorite Detroit park for a summer picnic or skate sesh, venture beyond the big
Filling Our Plates: Hundreds of new home gardeners in Detroit took food sovereignty into their own hands, with the support
Filling Our Plates: Mutual aid is getting funds to people in need in vulnerable communities like Southwest Detroit -- and
Filling Our Plates profiles Detroiters who faced food insecurity during the pandemic -- and the innovations they and local groups
Filling Our Plates: A Detroit nonprofit is using an Uber-like app to connect businesses with small amounts of food to
Filling Our Plates: How an innovative Detroit emergency food distribution model empowered recipients through choice.
The city of Detroit's sale of the historic Brodhead Armory to the Parade Co. for $300,000 has raised concerns from
If you were hit by the extreme rainfall and flooding around Detroit, here are resources like FEMA that can help.
Juna Durrant launched her line of leather bags, Jytte Designs, out of her home in Detroit after she lost her