Detroit’s ballot tracker was meant to instill trust in voting by mail. For some voters, it did the opposite by Nina Misuraca Ignaczak 3 September SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Everything we know about BallotTrax, the Detroit ballot tracker that caused confusion for some voters who cast votes by mail.... Read More →
Detroit’s primary was a total mess. Here’s what went wrong for voters by Nina Misuraca Ignaczak 5 August SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Polling places changed last minute, absentee ballots that never came, polls that opened late -- voting issues plagued the Detroit primary.... Read More →
The Detroit primaries are August 4. Here’s what you need to know. by Nina Misuraca Ignaczak 9 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest The Detroit primaries are August 4, and we want to make sure you're registered and ready to exercise your right to vote. We've designed this... Read More →