We asked experts about Michigan’s top Election Day problems. Here’s what they said. by Maggie McMillin 11 December SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Voting issues reported to an election hotline in Michigan included confusion over voter ID requirements and absentee voting.... Read More →
Amid Michigan’s record-breaking turnout, less than .5% of absentee ballots were rejected for easily avoided errors by Maggie McMillin 4 December SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Amid Michigan’s record-breaking November turnout, there was a smaller share of rejected absentee ballots than in the primary.... Read More →
Putting Detroit’s vote count errors in context by Maggie McMillin 2 December SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Yes, 70% of Detroit’s absentee voter counting boards were out of balance -- but what does that really mean?... Read More →
Everything to know about voting in person in Detroit this Election Day by Maggie McMillin 2 November SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest From registering to vote on Election Day to how election workers are keeping safe, we've got you covered.... Read More →
Flood of mail-in ballots could slow vote counting for Michigan primary by Detour Contributor 29 July SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest A sharp increase in the number of people voting by mail due to the coronavirus pandemic could slow the counting of ballots in Michigan's August... Read More →