
Take the Detour Detroit reader survey so we can ge...

Take the Detour Detroit reader survey so we can get to get to know you better!

Fill out this quick survey to help us create impactful content.

This Detour Detroit reader survey was designed so help the Detour Detroit team learn more about who you are so we can better serve you with journalism, events and cool perks! As a thank you for taking this survey, you’ll be entered to win one of several $50 gift certificates to some of our favorite Detroit restaurants! 

FYI: While we may share these survey results in aggregate with funders, sponsors or advertisers, we will never ever share or give away your unique/identifying information or email address. That’s a promise.

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Detour Detroit brings you essential stories — and inspires you to take action. We’re your guide to navigating the ever-changing Motor City, grounded in equitable journalism by and for Detroiters. We give you the context to understand local issues beyond the daily news cycle, while building community through meaningful engagement. Learn more about Detour here.

Allison Jacobs is the digital producer and lifestyle reporter for Detour Detroit. She was the former digital editor at The Detroit Jewish News, where she helped oversee their digital strategy and produced a four-part video series called “Bubbie’s Kitchen.” Over the years, she has contributed articles for The Detroit Jewish News and SEEN Magazine. She’s a stickler for honest reporting and creating content that educates, entertains and inspires. Follow her on Twitter: @ajacobs114

