Why is trash removal taking so long in Detroit? by Serena Maria Daniels 26 August SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Here's why Detroit residents are experiencing trash removal delays this summer.... Read More →
Take the Detour Detroit reader survey so we can get to get to know you better! by Allison Jacobs 25 August SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest We created this survey to learn more about who you are so we can better serve you with journalism, events and cool perks! ... Read More →
How my ‘inflammatory’ posters sparked real dialogue between black and white neighbors in Detroit by Detour Contributor 9 December SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest By Rhonda J. Smith: Neighbors even reported the event to officials -- but the people who actually came left with mutual respect, not outrage.... Read More →
Challenge yourself at a discussion on neighborhood relations between Black Detroiters and new white residents by Kate Abbey-Lambertz 10 November SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest How can white residents who are new to Detroit responsibly enter historically Black communities, and how can longtime residents cope with changes to their neighborhoods?... Read More →
Why Detroit’s middle class matters now, more than ever by Ashley Woods Branch 19 February SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Why keeping Detroit's middle-class residents in the city is key to building a better city.... Read More →